Public Notices

1. Council's For Your Information Advertisement

Council publishes a fortnightly advertisement in the local paper, The Regional Independent. Below you will find the latest advertisement. 

2. Notice of Renewal of Licence Agreement

Property: Part of Lot 6, Deposited Plan 1099164
Known as: 5 Trinculo Place, Queanbeyan NSW 2620

Notice is hereby given that the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council intends to use the above land as follows:


Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council


Parc Food Group (t/a Cartel Tacos)

Licence Agreement

5 year term
Commencing – 1 March 2025
Concluding – 28 February 2030

Licence Fee

$24,000 per annum (plus GST)

Permitted Use

Operation of a restaurant/café and associated purposes.

If you are interested in making a submissions concerning the above proposal you are invited to do so in writing by close of business (4:30pm) on 10 January 2025 to:

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
PO Box 90
Queanbeyan NSW 2620 or
via email to - marked to the attention of Governance and Legal

3. Proposed road names

A 13 lot subdivision off Wanna Wanna Road, Carwoola approved in Development Application DA-210-2012/B, has two new roads which require naming. The proposed names Rattler Close and Soares Road have been selected in accordance with Council’s Road Names Policy and the NSW Geographical Names Board guidelines for the naming of roads and were adopted in principle at the Council meeting held on 18 December 2024.

The two names proposed have a very relevant connection to the locality of Carwoola and comprise unambiguous words that are easy to spell and pronounce, is supported by the applicant, and have preapproval from GNB.  

The developer has chosen two names that have a rich historic connection to the Carwoola locality, these names will also be commemorated at the entrance of the subdivision with a plaque detailing the background of this local history; as shown in the following map and road layout. 


Map showing location of Rattler Close and Soares Road Carwoola



Soares Road: (sw-ah-rez) The Reverend Canon Alberto Dias Soares was a prominent Anglican clergyman who designed over 30 churches, parsonages, schoolhouses and halls from the mid to late 1800s, throughout NSW. Many of Rev Soares buildings still stand in the Canberra region including St Thomas the Apostle Church at Carwoola. St Thomas the Apostle Church at Carwoola was the fourth Anglican church in the district (St John's, Queanbeyan's Christ Church 1844, St Philip's Bungendore 1865), which was the clergyman's sixth commission.

St Thomas the Apostle Church at Carwoola commenced construction in 1872 and took two years to build, making use of the nearby coppery-tinged stone. With its octagonal tower, belfry, buttresses, and carved dripstones keeping the rain from its numerous ornamental windows, it added considerable grandeur to the essentially solitary surrounds.

Sources – God's Architect - the Churches and Parsonages of Alberto Dias Soares - Graeme Barrow, 2015. From Here to Eternity – Nicole Overall.

Rattler Close: The Rattler was a barque (a barque is a sailing ship with at least three masts, where the foremast, mainmast, and additional masts are rigged square, and the aftmost mast is rigged fore and aft) which sailed from England in September 1852 to Port Jackson arriving on 7 January 1853. Upon the Rattler was 254 Bounty emigrants of which many made their way to the area known as Marley's Plains, now known as Carwoola. 

In St Thomas Church at Carwoola there is a stained-glass window that was specially installed as part of the 125th anniversary. This was a rather unusual window for a church far removed from the sea to be featuring a sailing ship. During the 19th century, Rattler transported free settlers to the wider district, including those who took up residence in the parish. For posterity, it commemorates seafarers and ships for the role they played.


Written comments are invited and can be made until  24 January 2025. They can be email to (subject line Proposed road names) or sent to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620.

4. Abandoned vehicles

Before seeking expressions of interest on abandoned vehicles, we attempt to contact the owner, notify the police to find out if the vehicle may have been stolen, and hold the vehicle for 28 days. After this time we can dispose of or sell the vehicle. View for more information.

We will places details of any abandoned vehicles here where you can complete an expression of interest. 

If you have any questions about the listed vehicles you can call 1300 735 025 and speak with our General Duties Ranger.

Complete an Expression of Interest

To apply complete the online form below.