A waste transfer station is a drop-off point or staging post for waste that is taken to a final disposal site. General household waste is taken to the Woodlawn Bioreactor outside Tarago. Household recycling material is taken to the material recovery facility at Hume in the ACT. Other collected materials are transported from the site to an appropriate facility for recycling or reprocessing.
Fees are applicable for some waste types or commercial businesses. These cover the costs of disposal/transport and recycling. Please check our online fees and charges (search for waste transfer station).
Each transfer station accepts different types of materials. Not all transfer stations can handle all waste types due to the site restrictions and licencing agreements. You can check the transfer station details below for more information.
Staff also have discretion on what can be accepted depending on type, size of material and the available space on site.
If you have items you no longer want, but are in good condition, check if you can give away, donate, use social media sites such as buy swap sell, market place, free cycle to find your item a new home. Check with the Buy Back centre at Bungendore or Braidwood Transfer station if they are able to take it for resale.
Sort your waste before leaving home. Items that are accepted in a yellow recycling bin, white goods, paper and cardboard, green waste and metals are FREE to drop off from residential properties, so keep them sorted.
This also makes it quicker for you to move through the transfer station.
Braidwood Transfer Station
Address - 117 Bombay Rd, Braidwood
Open - Friday: 10am-4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4:30pm, Monday 10am-4:30pm
Accepted items
- General household rubbish
- Household yellow bin recycling
- Green waste
- Metals and white goods
- Mattresses
- Concrete
- Tyres
- Paper and cardboard
- Engine oil
- Batteries
- Paints
- Drum Muster approved containers
- E-Waste (TVs, Computers, screens, printers, computer parts and accessories)
Not accepted
- Any item not listed above
- Vehicles with a GVM of greater than 4.5T except by prior arrangement with Council. Council cannot guarantee that loads delivered by vehicles over 4.5T GVM will be accepted and may require the load to be taken to the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility.
- Asbestos
- Soils VENM or ENM
- Drillers mud
- Contaminated soils
- Fluorescent globes
- Gas bottles
- Chemicals
- Hazardous waste
- Mobile phones
- Printer cartridges
Bungendore Transfer Station
Address - 210 Tarago Rd, Bungendore NSW 2621
Open - Friday 12:30 – 4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am – 4:30pm, Monday 7am – 12 noon
Accepted items
- General Household waste
- Household yellow bin recycling
- Paper and Cardboard
- Green waste
- Metals and White goods
- Concrete
- Mattresses
- Tyres
- Commercial Waste (contact council)
- Oils- engine and cooking- residential only 20L limit
- Batteries- residential only
- Paints – residential and commercial up to 100L
- Smoke alarms – residential only
- Fire extinguishers – residential only
- Gas bottles – residential only
- Helium bottles – residential only
- Mobile phones – residential only
- Printer cartridges – residential only
- Aerosol cans – residential only
- Fluorescent globes – residential only
- E-Waste (accepted items only -TVs, Computers and items that plug into a computer)
Not accepted
- Any items not listed above
- Asbestos
- Contaminated soils
- Soils VENM and ENM
- Drillers mud
- Hazardous waste
Captains Flat Transfer Station
Address - 4324 Captains Flat Rd, Captains Flat
Open - Saturday and Sunday 9am-3pm, Monday 9am-2pm
Accepted items only
- General Household red bin waste to landfill limited to trailer sizes as per fees and charges (at Staff discretion)
- Household yellow bin recycling
- White goods
- Metals
- Motor Oil
- Green waste
Not accepted
- Any item not listed above
- Asbestos
- Soils VENM or ENM
- Drillers mud
- Contaminated soils
- Fluorescent globes
- Gas bottles
- Chemicals
- Hazardous waste
- Mattresses
- Mobile phones
- Printer cartridges
- E - waste
- Tyres
- Batteries
Macs Reef Waste Transfer Station
Address - 703 Macs Reef Rd, Bywong
Open - Friday 2pm- 4:30pm,
Saturday and Sunday 8am – 4:30pm,
Monday 7am – 11am
Accepted items
- Residential General Household waste to landfill limited to trailer sizes as per fees and charges (at Staff discretion)
- Residential Household yellow bin recycling
- Motor Oil
- Paper and Cardboard
Not accepted items
- Any item not listed above
- Asbestos
- Soils VENM or ENM
- Drillers mud
- Contaminated soils
- Fluorescent globes
- Gas bottles
- Chemicals
- Hazardous waste
- Mobile phones
- Printer cartridges
- E - waste
Nerriga Transfer Station
Address - 12 Endrick River Rd, Nerriga
Open Sunday 8am – 12 noon, Monday 7am – 4pm
Accepted items only
- General household red bin waste to landfill material limited to trailer sizes as per fees and charges (at Staff discretion)
- Household yellow bin recycling
- Tyres
- Mattresses
- Batteries
- Green waste
- E-Waste
- Metals
- Gas bottles
Not accepted
- Any item not listed above
- Asbestos
- Soils VENM or ENM
- Drillers mud
- Contaminated soils
- Fluorescent globes
- Chemicals
- Hazardous waste
- Mobile phones
- Printer cartridges
Queanbeyan Waste Minimisation Centre (for QPRC residents only and businesses that pay to drop off green waste or eligible items)
Address - 5 Lorn Rd, Crestwood
Open - Monday – Friday 9:15am – 4:15pm, Saturday and Sunday – 7:15am – 4:15pm
Accepted Items
- Green waste - fee for businesses, free for Domestic
- Cardboard and paper – residential only
- Recycling Yellow bin residential material only
- Oils- engine and cooking- residential only 20L limit
- Batteries- residential only
- Paints – residential and commercial 100L limit per visit stowed in containers of up to 20 litres.
- Smoke alarms – residential only
- Fire extinguishers – residential only
- Gas bottles – residential only
- Helium bottles – residential only
- Mobile phones – residential only
- Printer cartridges – residential only
- Aerosol cans – residential only
- Fluorescent globes – residential only
Not accepted
- Any item not listed above
- General household waste to landfill material
- Vehicles with a GVM of greater than 4.5T.
- Asbestos
- Soils VENM or ENM
- Drillers mud
- Contaminated soils
- General household waste to landfill material
- Builders materials
- E-waste
- Commercial loads of recyclables such as cardboard or mixed yellow bin accepted recyclables
Address - 117 Bombay Rd, Braidwood
Open – Sunday – 10am-4pm
Accepted items
Furniture and household items that can be resold.
Please Note - Items are accepted at staff’s discretion
Not Accepted
Electrical items
Address - 210 Tarago Rd, Bungendore NSW 2621
Open – Saturday – 10am-4pm
Accepted items
Furniture and household items that can be resold.
Please Note - Items are accepted at staff’s discretion
Not Accepted
Electrical items
Commercial operators can apply for an account for our Waste Transfer Stations. Complete the online form below.
Fees and Charges
The Queanbeyan Waste Minimisation Centre is currently out of compost. There is mulch still available for sale.
Council provides green waste products (20 cubic metres of mulch and 5 cubic metres of compost per year when it is available) to QPRC schools and community groups which can provide evidence of not for profit status. For further information please contact the Waste Minimisation Officer on 1300 735 025 or email wastematters@qprc.nsw.gov.au
Residents can purchase mulch and compost at the Waste Minimisation Centre when it is available. If you require delivery please call 6285 6139.
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requires us to publish pollution monitoring data for the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility in accordance with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act). The specific requirements for the publication of monitoring results are set out in s.66(6) of the POEO Act.
The latest pollution monitoring data for the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility may be downloaded below.
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
The EPA requires us to publish a pollution incident response management plan (PIRMP) for the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility in accordance with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act).
The latest PIRMP can be downloaded from the link below.
Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility PIRMP(PDF, 1MB)
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Licences
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issues licences for the Bungendore Resource Recovery Facility. We have provided a link to the Licences below which are all on the EPA website.