Request Bins and Report Issues

1. Domestic Bin Services

The bins and collection services you receive from us depends on where you live and the type of dwelling you have. Houses and town houses have a garbage, recycling and greenwaste bin.

  1. Multi-units have garbage and recycling bins that are shared. The bins are kept in a waste storage area and are serviced from this area by the waste staff or contractor.
  2. Rural properties can have a garbage and recycling bin or just a recycling bin.

Some areas of QPRC do not currently have a bin collection service.

Waste Collection Services - Terms and Conditions(PDF, 256KB)

Check your next collection day here.

2. Report a Missed Collection

If you have checked the information below and it does not apply, you can report a missed collection from the link below. After submitting the form, please leave your bin on the verge. Council will only contact you if there are any issues. Please note that it may take from three to five working days for the bin collection to be actioned.   

If we did not pick up your bin before 5pm on your collection day please let us know. Before you submit make sure you check our reasons why your bin may not have been collected.

Reasons your bin may not have been collected:

  • A sticker advising contamination - the bin has incorrect items in it - e.g. general rubbish in your recycling or green waste bin - building rubble in any bin - plastic bags in recycling
  • A sticker advising that the bin is too heavy. Remove items to reduce the weight.
  • A sticker advising that bin has been obstructed - e.g. by a vehicle - too close to trees - too far away from the kerb
  • Your bin wasn't put out in time - please place bins out evening before your collection day.  If you require collection because of this a fee is payable for an additional collection
  • Not your collection day - please call to check your collection day or click here for Calendar and waste zone area
  • Wrong bin put out - e.g. you have placed your green waste bin out - but it is your recycling day - please call to check your waste zone and download your calendar here
  • Bin overfull - lids need to be closed to avoid spillage when being emptied, or animals getting into the bins
  • Non-Council bin - only Council-issued bins with a Council logo will be serviced by Council. If you have a non-Council bin, please contact Council.

What do I do if I have a sticker on my bin?

  • Contaminated bins - remove contaminated material from your bin and bin will be collected on next scheduled collection day. Call us on 1300 735 025 if you are unsure of what should go in each of your bins
  • Bin too heavy - reduce the amount of waste that is making the bin too heavy
  • Obstructed bin - relocate bin for easy access for collection
  • Bin too full - remove items so bin lid is closed
  • Advise us on 1300 735 025 that you have rectified the problem and to arrange collection. A fee may be imposed to return to empty your bin if this is required before you next scheduled collection day.

If none of the above applies:

3. Request for Extra Bins

To make a request for extra bins you need to be aware of the following:

  • Only the owner of the property is able to make this request. You will have to ask the owner or managing agent to contact Council to request extra bins. This is because the ratepayer pays for the extra bins, not the tenant.
  • Businesses are only able to request 240L garbage and recycling bins and 240L green organics bins if required.
  • There is an additional cost for extra bins and these charges can be viewed in our current fees and charges schedule which can be viewed here .

Please note that it may take from three to five working days for the bin request to be actioned.

One you have submitted your request the bin/s will be delivered with 3-5 working days. We will only contact you if we require further information.

Please complete our online form to request extra bins for garbage, recycling or greenwaste.

4. Looking After Your Bins

All bins remain the property of Council, however you do have a responsibility to look after them. We ask that you:

  • Bring your bins in as soon as possible after collection.
  • Store your bins securely when not out for collection.

There is a fee payable for replacement of bins which are stolen or damaged due to neglect.

You may mark your house number and street name on the bins. If the property is later sold or tenanted, the bins remain on the property.

Please note that it may take from three to five working days for the bin request to be actioned.   

Report a damaged bin online here.

5. Request New Bin Service

New Homes

You will require proof of an Occupation Certificate before bins are supplied to a new home.

Please ensure that your house is clearly numbered or your bins may not be delivered.

A waste services charge will apply via the rates of that property once the bin has been delivered. We can only change waste services at a property on the advice of the owner or managing real estate agent.

Existing Homes

If you have recently purchased a property and the bins are missing you need to contact your solicitor as the bins should be present on settlement and we will charge for the replacement of the bins.

If you are a new tenant and there are no bins at your new residence, please contact your landlord or managing agent. The bins belong to the property and must stay at the property. The landlord or managing agent is responsible for the cost of replacing the bins.

If you are a landlord or managing real estate agent of a tenanted house, please check that the bins are there at final inspection, and then lock them in the garage, shed or laundry until the next tenants arrive. Bins often ‘disappear’ between tenants and Council will charge for bin replacement if this occurs.

Rural Properties

Rural residences within the former Queanbeyan City Council area are offered an optional Garbage and Recycling Service or a Recycling Service only.

This is an optional service and the costs of the bins are added to the rates of the property when ordered. Garbage Bins are 240L, Recycling Bins are 240L or 360L and are collected fortnightly as per calendar .

Please note the owner of the property has to order the bins as the cost is added to the rates of the property.

Commercial/Industrial Properties

A commercial/industrial (or other non-residential) property may have Council waste, recycling and greenwaste services if they wish to, but this is not mandatory. We supply 240 litre kerbside bin services only - no larger bulk-style containers are available through Council.

A commercial property may have as many of each type of bin as they require. New bins or changes to existing services are charged per bin through that property’s rates so may only be requested by the owner or managing real estate agent.

Once you have submitted your request for a new bin service they will be delivered with 3-5 working days. We will only contact you if we require more information.

Request a new bin service online here.

QPRC Waste App

Our Waste Info App is available for download through both the iOS App store and Android Google Play store. Search for QPRC Waste.

Shot of QPRC waste app with calendar and a-z or waste screens

6. Replacing a Damaged Bin

After reporting your damaged bin to us at the link below, leave it on the verge. Contractors will not enter your property to locate the bin and change it over. Council will only contact you if there are any issues. Please note that it may take from three to five working days for the bin request to be actioned.   

If your bin is damaged or worn through normal use, we will repair or replace it free of charge at our discretion.

Property owners or managing agents will be billed for the replacement of bins which are:

  • Damaged through incorrect use.
  • Disappear due to incorrect storage.
  • Damaged (malicious or otherwise).
  • Stolen from inside the property boundary.
  • Stolen/ gone missing between tenants or change of ownership.

If you have a damaged 360L recycling bin (jumbo sized bin) the bin will be replaced with a 240L one as Council no longer offers the larger size. Simple repairs such as replacing hinge pins will be carried out. If we replace the larger bin with a 240L one rates for the property will be adjusted to reflect the new 240L size.

Report a damaged bin online here.

7. Report a Lost or Missing Bin

Once you have submitted your request for a replacement bin, it may take up to 3-5 working days to be actioned. We will only contact you if payment is required to replace the bin or if we require more information.

You can report a lost or missing bin by completing the online form below.

Before making a report:

  • If you are a new tenant and the bin was missing when you moved into the property,  contact your managing agent or landlord as the bins should be there when you take over the lease. The landlord or managing agent will be responsible for the cost of the replacement of the bins.  No police report required
  • If you recently purchased an existing property,  and the bins are not at the premises on settlement, then you will need to contact the solicitor. Bins should be at the property on settlement. Bins will need to be paid for to be replaced. No police report is required
  • If the bin has gone missing from inside the property the resident/ business proprietor will be responsible for the cost of replacement of the bin . A police report is required .
  • Bins stolen from inside the property or from the street will need to be reported to the police and an incident number provided when making the request.
  • NOTE – you will be charged for the replacement of bins which are stolen from inside the property, between new tenants or new owners, or due to neglect eg left out for long periods of time and not kept securely with the property.
  • Once you have submitted the request, it may take from three to five working days for the bin request to be actioned. We will will notify you if payment is required.

Report a lost or missing bin online here.

8. Upsizing and Downsizing Bins

Only individual residential dwellings can upsize or downsize their bins. 360L recycle or 360L waste bins are no longer available. Residents can downsize the 360L recycle to a 240L recycle bin. Please be aware that there is an upfront fee for increasing the size of of a 140L garbage bin to a 240L garbage bin. Only the owner of the property can request a change to bin size as this will effect their rates.

There is an additional cost for upsizing your bins and these charges can be viewed in our current fees and charges schedule which can be viewed here.

After requesting a change in bin size at the link below, leave it on the verge. Contractors will not enter your property to locate the bin and change it over. Council will only contact you if there are any issues. Please note that it may take from three to five working days for the bin request to be actioned.

Please continue to use your existing bin as normal.

Request a change to your bin size online.

9. General Waste Enquiry

Please use this form if you need to:

  • Request a waste service be removed for optional business waste services, residential extra bins no longer required, optional rural waste services (please leave the bin on the verge after your next collection day).
  • Any other waste and resource recovery enquiry.

For waste requests for new bins, broken bins, missed collections and to change your bin size please use the links on the relevant pages above. Kerbside cleanups can now be booked online.

For urgent issues please contact us on 1300 735 025