Rebates and Incentives
Governments at all levels recognise the importance of aiding so that the community can implement actions with environmental benefits. There are a range of incentives and rebates available to do this.
QPRC Incentives
We offer the following incentives for local residents who are connected to the Queanbeyan-Palerang water supply.
- Free home audit carried out by a licensed plumber
- Subsidised dual flush toilets for eligible residences (following the home audit)
- Subsidies for retrofitted rainwater tanks to existing residences
- Subsidies for rainwater tanks to eligible new residences
For more information please visit:
NSW Government Rebates
Energy Efficiency
The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) provides financial incentives to install energy efficient equipment and appliances in NSW households and businesses. Different equipment and processes are eligible. Some of these include:
- lighting
- heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- motors, fans and pumps
- compressed air systems
- refrigeration
- power systems
- hot water and steam systems
- furnaces
Other rebates/offers
View current grants, rebates and schemes
From 1 November the NSW Government will be offering new battery incentives.
Read more information on the NSW Climate and Energy Action website
Federal Government Rebates
Households and small businesses across Australia that install a small-scale renewable energy system (<100kW) or eligible hot water system may be able to receive a benefit under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to help with the purchase cost.
For more information please visit the Clean Energy Regulator