QPRC Citizen Science

Platypus swimming in Queanbeyan River

1. QPRC Platypus and Rakali Citizen Science Monitoring Program

Most sightings of platypus and rakali in Queanbeyan occur between Dane Street and the CBD, although there have been several reports outside those boundaries. In 2020 we had reports of sightings in the Shoalhaven, Molonglo and Corang Rivers. Time of day for spotting varies throughout the year, but it is generally early morning or just before dusk. The suspension bridge off of Isabella Street is an ideal location to spot platypus during breeding season, anywhere from June to October.

Report a sighting

All reports of platypus or rakali sightings within our LGA can be emailed to platypus@qprc.nsw.gov.au or you can fill out the online form below:

2. QPRC NatureMapr project

We have partnered with the Canberra NatureMapr team to support the NatureMapr project across the QPRC region. With funding from Resilience NSW we aim to help the community discover, identify, appreciate and ultimately help us protect the amazing species that live in our region.

NatureMapr-logo            Resilience-NSW-logo

To participate, simply download the app onto your iOS or Android device and submit your photos to contribute. You can submit photos and audio files. If you are not sure which species it is, the expert moderators can confirm this for you!

You can see current sightings and create your account by visiting https://canberra.naturemapr.org/. Use the links below to get started with the app and submit your sightings on the ground.

Google Play logo

          Apple App store logo


4. 2020 Sustainable Communities Tidy Towns Awards

The citizen science platypus and rakali monitoring program were the winner for the Habitat and Wildlife Conservation Award in the 2020 Sustainable Communities Tidy Towns Awards. Staff received the award in ceremony held at Murrurundi in March 2021.

KABNSW Winner.png

5. Gallery

Some amazing images of our local species can be seen in the gallery below.