Water and Sewer

Tap with water filling glass for drinking

1. Overview

Council maintains the water and sewer network. We have an agreement with Icon Water to purchase potable water for the Queanbeyan area. Braidwood, Bungendore and Captains Flat have their own water treatment facilities which service the urban area of the three towns/villages.

For supply issues that are not within your property boundaries, you can contact our offices:

Telephone - 1300 735 025 - Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

After Hours Emergency Number

1300 735 025

2. EPA Sewage Treatment Plant Data and Licences

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requires us to publish pollution monitoring data for each of our sewerage treatment plants in accordance with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act).

The specific requirements for the publication of monitoring results are set out in s.66(6) of the POEO Act.

The latest pollution monitoring data for the Braidwood, Bungendore and Captains Flat sewage treatment plants may be downloaded below.

Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Licences

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issues licences for our wastewater pipe network and treatment systems. We have provided links to the Licences below which are all on the EPA website.

3. Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy - Palerang Communities 

This Strategy was adopted at our February 2019 Council Meeting. The strategy address the six elements of the Best-Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Framework. It is our 30 year strategy for the provision of water services to our community. The Strategy:

  • Sets the objectives and performance indicators for the Water & Sewer business
  • Identifies the needs
  • Right sizes’ infrastructure
  • Determines the priority
  • Identifies the best-value 30-year IWCM scenario on a triple bottom line basis.

You can download the full strategy here(PDF, 17MB) .

4. Braidwood Water Supply - Water Security Assessment and Drought Contingency Plan

In the later stages of the 2019-2020 drought, we experienced availability issues with the supply of raw water from the Shoalhaven River as a source for the Braidwood Water Supply. A number of measures were implemented at the time including water restrictions and the transfer of trucked water from Bungendore to Braidwood.

After the drought we took the opportunity to review our actions and the underlying water security for Braidwood by engaging NSW Public Works Advisory to conduct a study. The study identified a revised water security quantum, made recommendations for future restriction triggers and highlighted an issue with persistent baseline water demand. A copy of the report can be downloaded here(PDF, 8MB).

5. Queanbeyan Waterways Data

We conduct monthly water sampling in the Queanbeyan area. You can download the results of these below.

6. Report a Drinking or Recycled Water Quality Issue

Please report an issue with the water quality you receive from the Council drinking or recycled water supply via our online form.

Information collected here is used to assist Council staff with diagnosing your problem and to develop the appropriate response.

Once lodged, this form will be sent to the appropriate officer and we will be in touch to discuss the matter with you. We may require additional information from you to solve the problem.

Please note, this is not suitable for lodging a water quality issue related to stormwater or the quality of water in ponds, rivers and other waterbodies. 

Report a drinking or recycled water quality issue online here.

7. Apply for a statement of available water pressure and flow

You can apply for a statement of available water pressure and flow. This related to pressure testing of water mains which ascertains fire service and general water design requirements for new and existing multi-unit residential and commercial developments.

Download the application for a statement of available water pressure(PDF, 230KB)

8. Backflow Prevention Inspection

Customers who have a testable backflow device installed are required to have the device tested at least every 12 months.
Annual testing ensures that the backflow device continues to operate correctly.  A defective device can:

  • Cause a backflow incident
  • Allow water to escape through leaking devices

Download the Backflow Prevention Device Inspection and Maintenance report(PDF, 126KB)

9. Sewage Spills

Council has had major blockages in sewer catchments found within the LGA.  This is costing Council and ultimately you, the ratepayer, more than what is actually required due to additional pump maintenance fees, higher electricity costs and after hours call-out fees. Blockages and sewer pipe breakdowns significantly increase the risk of sewage overflows to the environment, into a property or your house. Please view and download the following factsheets and tips to help prevent future sewer blockages.

Download the tree roots in sewer pipes factsheet(PDF, 312KB)

Download the six tips to prevent a sewage backup(PDF, 163KB)

Download the sewage wise sewer overflows factsheet(PDF, 400KB) 

10. Water Meter Size Reassessment

If you feel your water meter size does not match the use of your property, you can apply for a reassessment. Please contact us to discuss or complete the application online below.

11. Water, Sewer or Stormwater Private works

In order to meet development needs, changes to Council’s water, sewer and stormwater assets may be required. To request a quote for Council to undertake private works, please review the Terms and Conditions shown below and complete the application form. If you require further information, please contact Council on Utilities.PrivateWorks@qprc.nsw.gov.au or 1300 735 025.

Terms and Conditions

12. Waterwise

Information on Saving Water

Visit the Your home website for tips on saving water

Visit the Smartwatermark website to use the home usage water calculator to calculate your daily usage.

Waterwise audits

We offer the following incentives for local residents who are connected to the Queanbeyan-Palerang water supply.

  • Free home audit carried out by a licensed plumber
  • Subsidised dual flush toilets for eligible residences (following the home audit)
  • Subsidies for retrofitted rainwater tanks to existing  residences
  • Subsidies for rainwater tanks to eligible new residences

Our waterwise brochure can be downloaded here(PDF, 1MB) . For more information contact our Waterwise Officer on 1300 735 025.

Download the Waterwise Policy here(PDF, 188KB)

Download the rainwater tank rebate form(PDF, 979KB)

13. Annual Dams Safety Standards Report

We are the owner of the Captains Flat dam which is a declared dam as gazetted by Dams Safety NSW. As the owner of a declared dam, we are required to publish an annual report demonstrating its compliance with the dam safety standards. 

This review is completed every March and is published as the Annual Dams Safety Standards Report.  The 2024 Report is now available.

14. Apply for access to the recycled water truck fill station - Bungendore

Complete the application below.