Road Safety

1. Overview

We work with a range of local, regional and ACT-cross border stakeholders as well as Roads and Maritime Services and NSW Police to improve safety and awareness on our roads.  You can contact our Road Safety Officer on: 6285 6196.

For information on NSW road safety and campaigns visit:

2. Speed

Council coordinates a range of road safety strategies to address speeding, including providing courtesy on-road speed checks, collecting speed data on local roads and working with NSW Police to support local enforcement campaigns.  If you would like your local road considered for courtesy speed checks please contact our Road Safety Officer on 6285 6196

Would you like to suggest a speed limit change or a location that needs a speed camera?  Visit the State Government Safer Roads NSW Website.

3. Driver Workshops

We run free workshops for supervisors that are teaching learner drivers, learner drivers and older road users.

Any event that are organised can be found on our Events page.

4. Safety around Schools

Council works with a number of local stakeholders including local schools, local bus operators, RMS and NSW Police to improve safety around local schools. 

School opening and closing hours are busy times for pedestrians and vehicles outside schools.  Take extra care in a 40km/h school zone and plan your trip to avoid rushing. 

Remember to stick to the 40km/h speed limit in a school zone as children are about and avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns.

Always park legally around schools. Illegal parking around schools puts lives at risk.  Council’s rangers regularly patrol schools to monitor parking and issue infringement notices. You can (PDF, 1MB)download our guide on parking legally(PDF, 1MB) for further information on the parking rules around schools.

A number of schools and the Queanbeyan Bus Interchange feature ‘Drop Off and Pick Up Areas’ or ‘Kiss and Ride Areas.’  Special rules apply to the operation of these areas to ensure the safety of all children.  You can (PDF, 1MB)download our guide about dropping off in school zones for further information(PDF, 1MB).

5. Road Rules

To help stay safe when using our roads it’s important to remain up to date with the road rules.  For further information on NSW Road Rules visit NSW Government website.

Download the common parking rule infringements(PDF, 1MB)

6. Animals on Roads

Crashes on local roads can involve animals.  Kangaroos, wombats and stray stock can move fast and be unpredictable.  When animals stray onto roads it’s hard to know what they’ll do next.  Slowing down and being prepared, especially near sunrise and sunset could save a collision.  Some tips for staying safe around roads with animals include:

  • Be aware that animals are more active and harder to see at sunrise and sunset
  • Reduce your speed when you see animal warning signs
  • Brake safely – only brake when it is safe to do so if you see an animal on the road
  • Never swerve – it is safer to hit an animal than swerve and lose control of your vehicle

7. Safety at the Bus Interchange

With children and pedestrians interacting with buses, we have been improving safety at the Queanbeyan Bus Interchange. Below is a map with more information about general safety at the Bus Interchange and specifically the Pick-up & Drop-off Area which is accessed by turning left off Morisset Street. You can also download the full flyer here(PDF, 4MB) .

Safety at the Bus Interchange map