Alcohol Free Zones Find out where the alcohol free and alcohol prohibited zones are in Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra.
Bike Storage Locker and Changeroom Access To gain access to Council bike storage and changerooms. Please allow five business days to gain access.
Community Safety We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy community and partner with Police, emergency services and other organisations to address community issues. You will also find information about CCTVs and can request footage here.
Food Safety Safely preparing and storing food is a key component of any strong food business. We implement a number of programs to assist and educate food business owners.
Skin Penetration We undertake inspections of businesses that do any skin penetration procedures such as tattooing, acupuncture, waxing and piercing.
Pool & Spa Safety If you own a pool or rent a property with a pool or spa, you have obligations and responsibilities under NSW law.
Road Safety We work with a range of local, regional and ACT-cross border stakeholders as well as Roads and Maritime Services and NSW Police to improve safety and awareness on our roads.