Council Meeting Summary - 9 October 2024

Published on 11 October 2024

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Here is the summary of this week's Council meeting, the first for the newly elected Council.

The archived recording of the meeting is now available at:

  • Dr Aunty Matilda House performed a Welcome to Country to commemorate the first meeting of the newly elected Council
  • Each councillor made their affirmation of office prior to the meeting
  • Council elected Cr Kenrick Winchester as the Mayor of Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council for a two-year 2024-26 term
  • Council elected Cr Esma Livermore as the Deputy Mayor of Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council for a two-year 2024-26 term
  • Council declared that casual vacancies occurring in the office of Council within 18 months after the last ordinary election are to be filled by a countback of votes
  • Council delegated to the person in position of General Manager the powers, duties and functions in the Instrument of Delegation, revoking previous delegations, noting duties must be performed in accordance with guidelines or policies of Council
  • Council retained current meeting scheduled for 2024-28 term, with meetings held primarily in Queanbeyan and will consider an evaluation of the trial of holding meetings in Braidwood
  • Council nominated Mayor Winchester, Cr Taskovski, Cr Preston, and Cr Livermore to register as voting delegates to attend the 2024 LGNSW Annual Conference
  • Council appointed Cr Broadbent as non-voting Councillor representative and Cr Preston as the alternate representative to the QPRC Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
  • In closed session, Council authorised the General Manager to continue negotiations regarding the compensation claim matters of QPRC vs Minister for Education and Early Learning. The General Manager will provide an update to Council in closed session on a monthly basis. A workshop will be held as soon as possible to provide conceptual guidance to the General Manager for Heads of Agreement discussions.

The business papers and minutes from this meeting are on our website at:


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