Bungendore’s new adventure playground opened

Published on 03 June 2022

Photo of Bungendore's new playground

Council’s Deputy Mayor Cr Esma Livermore and Nichole Overall MP cut the ribbon and officially opened the new adventure playground in Bungendore yesterday.

‘This playground has been a long time coming and seeing the happy faces on children and parents as they played for the first time was a special moment,’ Deputy Mayor Livermore said.

‘This is a great place for local kids to play and for families travelling through to stop and explore a bit of Bungendore.’

The playground was funded by the Australian and NSW Government who contributed $895,370 through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package. The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package is part of the $4.5 billion bushfire support program co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments for bushfire recovery, response and preparedness in NSW.

The NSW Government also contributed $200,000 through the Everyone Can Play grant program which supports the renewal, renovation and construction of inclusive play spaces to ensure people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds can play.

Council is grateful for the work of locals involved in the Bungendore Playground Committee, who have been instrumental in advocating for this project and developing the design.

Council would also like to thank the Rotary Club of Bungendore for their assistance during the project and local businesses including Bendigo Bank, Veolia Mulwaree Trust and Infigen Energy for their contributions towards additional playground equipment.

The playground features a large rural-themed climbing and sliding area, sand play area, water play area, multi rocker, a flying fox, climbing nets and swings, mini bike track, wheelchair accessible spinners, music play, nature play and imaginative areas, barbecues, paths and shelters, solar lighting, Art Dinouveau items and more.