Due to a fire at Cleanaway St Mary's waste facility our Community Recycling Centres at Bungendore and Queanbeyan are temporarily unable to accept some items.
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The Queanbeyan Animal Management Facility will be closed until further notice.
Our water notices are delayed and will cover a longer period than usual. This may mean you have a higher water usage bill as it covers a longer period of time.
This stage involved a 4.5km long duplication of Old Cooma Road from Edwin Land Parkway to Googong Road and three are two lanes in each direction. There is also for cyclists and a 2.5 metre off road shared path.
Council has received 100% funding for this project from the NSW State Government $70 million road package as part of the Monaro Palerang Program.
The budget for this project was $31 million. This includes design, design construction, project management and land acquisitions.
The key features of the duplication include
The sod was turned to mark official start of the project on Monday 21 January 2019. Construction is now underway with approximately 80% of the earthworks and 40% of the the road pavement work completed. The new road is expected to be open to traffic by October 2020.
Old Cooma Road, Googong 2620 View Map
Old Cooma Road , Googong 2620