COMPLETED New paths Braidwood

  • Project typeCapital Works
  • Project value$405,827
  • Project scheduleCommencing in May 2023 and is expected to take approximately 12 weeks
  • Contractor nameJSC Pty Ltd
  • Completion Date23 August 2023

Work was completed on the new paths in August 2023.

What is being done?

Three new concrete paths are being built in Braidwood:

  • Lascelles Street footpaths (1.5m wide)
  • Elrington Street footpath (1.5m wide)
  • Coronation Avenue shared path (2m wide)

Map of paths on Lascelles Street and Elrington Street below:

Map Lascelles and Elrington Streets

Map of path on Coronation Avenue below:

Map Coronation Avenue

JSC Pty Ltd have been appointed as the contractor for this project.

Why are we doing this work?

These paths were identified as high priorities in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan for Braidwood. This is part of our overall Integrated Transport Strategy. These paths will provide accessible and all-weather paths to key community and recreational facilities. This will give easy pedestrian access for all residents, including those living with disability, mobility impairment and parents with prams and strollers.

When will work start?

Work is expected to start in early May. Construction should take approximately 12 weeks (depending on the weather).

Impact on residents and businesses

Residents will be able to access their properties at all times. There will be some disruption while the work is done and pedestrians will be directed to the other side of the road while construction of the footpaths is underway. Please take note of signage and traffic control arrangements.

There will be minimal impacts to business, and contractors will liaise with the business if additional traffic control arrangements are required.

How is this project funded?

These footpaths have received funds from the NSW Government under the Stronger Country Communities Fund and Get Active NSW grants.



Lascelles Street, Elrington Street, Coronation Avenue, Braidwood 2622  View Map

Google Map