There are currently about 200 formalised off-street car parking spaces in the Bungendore town centre. Around 140 of these are associated with retail developments (including 113 at the IGA). 66 of the off-street parking spaces are associated with specific commercial services and are designated for use by customers/clients only, not the general public. There are no public off-street parking spaces within the Bungendore town centre. Bungendore currently only has one off-street public carpark at Mick Sherd Oval.
There are approximately 345 public on-street car parking spaces within the Bungendore town centre.
Demand for parking in the town centre is expected to increase in the future to levels which exceed supply. This is due to:
- Population growth
- Non-residential development (e.g. commercial, retail, professional, entertainment, leisure)
- Employment growth
- Growth in tourism
The proposed Bungendore off-street car park is needed to address future predicted parking requirements.