Braidwood Pool refurbishment

  • Project typeCapital Works
  • Project value$1,319,000
  • Project scheduleStage 1 to be completed by the 2023/24 season
  • Contractor nameRice Construction (Stage 1)
Braidwood pool

The Braidwood pool needs to be refurbished as it is well beyond the expected life cycle. We have received grant funding of $1m will assist with Stage one of the upgrades. A development application for stages one and two have been submitted and approved.

We have also received funding under the Stronger Country Communities Fund to upgrade parking and access to the pool. Paths will be improved between the pool, car park and the public toilets.

Accessible path and ramp

The path would improve accessibility between carpark, the pool entrance, public toilets and park. There will also be an addition of disabled parking in the carpark.

Survey has been completed however we have had some delays for the required design work.

This has been funded by the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund.


This project will provide for a poolpod platform system including anchors, transport trolley and wheelchair for use with the systems.

This system allows people with restricted mobility to safely access the pool.

This has been funded by the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund. The poolpods are being constructed in the UK and are expected to arrive June 2024.

Stage 1 - completed December 2023

Work in Stage 1 has included:

  • changerooms
  • entrance
  • kiosk
  • heating improvements

Tender for Stage 1 was awarded to Rice Construction Group.

Braidwood Pool upgrade old change rooms demolished - May 2023

Initial earthworks - May 2023

Concrete footings for new entrance and change rooms Braidwood pool - July 2023

Footings for new changerooms and entrance - July 2023

Braidwood Pool - Changeroom progress

Framing for changerooms and entrance - September 2023

Completed change rooms Braidwood pool

Completed change room building and entrance - December 2023

Stage 2

Work in Stage 2 will include:

  • plant room
  • gym
  • relocation or extension of pool

At this stage we do not have funds to complete this work. Council staff will continue to look for grant opportunities.

Completed work

  • Pool tiling - the tender to complete retiling was awarded to Endeavour Pools Pty Ltd and work was completed in July 2020
Concept image for the Braidwood pool

Concept drawing - Braidwood Memorial Pool



Park Lane, Braidwood, BraidwoodCaptains Flat 2622  View Map

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