Our water notices are delayed and will cover a longer period than usual. This may mean you have a higher water usage bill as it covers a longer period of time.
Due to a fire at Cleanaway St Mary's waste facility our Community Recycling Centres at Bungendore and Queanbeyan are temporarily unable to accept some items.
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The Queanbeyan Animal Management Facility will be closed until further notice.
There have been multiple landslips and other damage to Araluen Road from flood events in August 2020, November/December 2021 and the most recent March 2022 event. We worked with Transport for NSW to confirm funding under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and gain their approvals for the work.
Eurobodalla Shire Council are also dealing with a number of significant landslides on their section of Araluen Road. You can find information about this work on their website.
The first four identified slippages were repaired and guardrails installed. This work was completed in early 2023.
We sought tenders for the remaining sites and this was awarded at the 22 March 2023 meeting to Specialised Geo Pty Ltd.
They set up on site on 27 April 2023. They completed work and the road was open to traffic in September 2023.
We have engaged a designer for four more slip sites. The design and estimate has been completed. We will now procure a contractor and work will be done in conjunction with Majors Creek Mount Road works.
Multiple sections of Araluen Road, Araluen 2622 View Map
Multiple sections of Araluen Road , Araluen 2622