Filming on Public Land
Under the Local Government Filming Protocol 2009, filming on public land requires the consent of Council. If you would like to film on public land, please complete the application form below and attach your Public Liability Certificate of Currency. You can find the Protocol on the NSW Office of Local Government's website.
The Protocol does not cover stills photography – the Filming Related Legislation Amendment Act 2008 and the Local Government Act 1993 specifically exclude still photography, and it does not require council approval or attract council fees unless it involves additional activity such as blocking streets, constructing a set or additional parking. In these cases, the Protocol can provide guidance for councils in processing high impact stills shoots. Those contemplating still photography should approach Council for further information.
Any applications for film or photography shoots that require road closures require a minimum of 6-8 weeks. This is to allow approval of traffic management plans by the Local Traffic Committee.