Development Public Notices

1. Development Applications (DA) and Modifications on Notification

Notices and documents required to be advertised under NSW planning legislation are now published online. See links on the following pages for further information.

Development applications, and applications to modify approved development consents, for the following:

  • Any development which requires a formal notice to be advertised on Council's website (previously notice in a local newspaper) in accordance the QPRC Community Engagement and Participation Plan (Section 2, Part 3.3)
  • Integrated development
  • Designated development
  • State significant development
  • Threatened species development
  • Class 1 aquaculture development

Note: documentation for developments listed below is available here (

Notice of Advertised Development/s

This section will display any Advertised development applications (other than a complying development certificate [CDC], designated development, nominated integrated development, threatened species development, or State significant development) that require a formal notice to be advertised on Council's website (formerly Notice of a Local Newspaper), in accordance with:

Notice of Integrated Development/s

This section will display any Integrated development applications that require advertising in accordance with:

  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - Schedule 1, Part 1, Division 2, Section 8A, Clause 1 and/or Section 13, and;
  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 - Part 3, Division 5, Section 56.

Application Number


Applicant Name

Village No 25 Pty Limited

Description of Land

55 Wiry Dock Road TRALEE  NSW  2620
Lot 67 DP 1302790

Development Description

Modification to approved Stage 2C Subdivision of South Jerrabomberra urban release area - Reconfiguration of the Road Network

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

27 February 2025 to 31 March 2025
Approvals Required Water Management Act 2000
Rural Fires Act 1997
Relevant Approval Bodies Department of Planning & Environment - Water
NSW Rural Fire Service


Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

By email

  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

Public Works Advisory

Description of Land

Museum 186 Wallace Street
Lot 1 DP 86338

Development Description

Alterations and additions to existing museum, Information and education facility, Tourist and Visitor Accommodation, Commercial development including: Food and drink premises, office premises, shops, landscaping and associated infrastructure works; Modification: Project is to be constructed in two construction stages; Additional Works; Boundary Fences to be retained; New 'Right of Access'

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

24 January 2025 to 24 February 2025
Approvals Required Heritage Act 1977
Relevant Approval Bodies Department of Planning and Environment - Heritage NSW


Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

By email

  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

Fission Construction Pty Ltd

Description of Land

3578 Kings Highway
Lot 50 DP 754878

Development Description

Two lot Torrens title subdivision

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

23 January 2025 to 12 February 2025
Approvals Required Rural Fires Act 1997
Relevant Approval Bodies NSW Rural Fire Service


Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

By email

  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

Upside Planning

Description of Land

1024 Mayfield Road
Lot 7 DP 630542

Development Description

 Three lot Torrens title subdivision

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

13 January 2025 to 13 February 2025
Approvals Required Water Management Act 2000
Rural Fires Act 1997
Relevant Approval Bodies Department of Planning and Environment - Water
NSW Rural Fire Service


Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

By email

  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

Ray Matthews

Description of Land

1725 Bungendore Road
Lot 2 DP 1305244

Development Description

Two lot subdivision

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

15 January 2025 to 04 February 2025
Approvals Required Rural Fires Act 1997
Relevant Approval Bodies NSW Rural Fire Service


Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

By email

  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

Upside Planning

Description of Land

202 Wallace Street
Lot 1 DP 852560

Development Description

Retention of existing restaurant and use of part of site for artisan food and drink

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

16 December 2024 to 04 February 2025
Approvals Required Heritage Act 1977
Relevant Approval Bodies Department of Planning and Environment - Heritage NSW

Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

  • By email to
  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025

Application Number


Applicant Name

TSD Surveying Ptd Ltd

Description of Land

88 Urila Road
Lot 22 DP 241116

Development Description

Two lot Torrens title Subdivision & construction of new entrance and access track

Consent Authority

Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council

Public Exhibition Period

11 December 2024 to 16 January 2025
Approvals Required Rural Fires Act - s100B
Relevant Approval Bodies NSW Rural Fire Service

Availability of documents during the public exhibition period:

The development application and documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statement, are available on the consent authority’s website for the minimum period required under the Act This period is specified next to ‘Public Exhibition Period’ in the table above.

Making a submission:

A person may, during the public exhibition period, make a submission to the consent authority about the application.  Submissions must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

Please note that all submissions will become public documents and may be included in Council reports, published on Council’s website, and/or discussed at meetings.  Applications referred to a Council meeting may include the name and address of the person making the submission as part of the information included in Council’s Business Paper.

If you make a submission, you must disclose donations or gifts made to Councillors or Council staff.  This is required under S10.4 of the Act.  Significant penalties apply for non-disclosure.  Please see Council’s form “Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts for Submitters” on Council’s website for completion and attachment to your submission. 

Submissions can be made in the following ways:

Online form

  • By email to
  • By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
  • Delivered in person to either the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, or Bungendore office.

For further information, or should you have any problems reading this notice, please phone 1300 735 025.


Notice of Designated Development/s

This section will display any Designated development applications that need to be advertised in accordance with:

  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - Schedule 1, Part 1, Division 2, Section 8, and/or Section 13, and;
  • Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 - Part 3, Division 5, Section 56.

        (There are currently no Designated developments on public exhibition)

2. Development Applications (DA), Modifications and Complying Development Certificates (CDC) determined/issued (by month)

Determined development consents and complying development certificates can be searched online here by entering the address, or selecting the 'Determined' options, on the right hand side of the page.

3. Applications to be determined by the Southern Regional Planning Panel (SRPP) as the consent authority

Information on the Southern Regional Planning Panel and their role is available on The Development Application Process page of our website.

Under Assessment:

Determined by the SRPP:

4. Development Control Plans (DCP)

Draft and approved development control plans and amendment or repeal of development control plans

5. Contribution Plans

Draft and approved contribution plans and the amendment and repeal of contribution plans