The elections held Saturday 14 September 2024 saw 11 Councillors elected. At the first Council meeting held on 9 October, Councillor Kenrick Winchester was elected Mayor for the 2024-26 term. Councillor Esma Livermore was elected Deputy Mayor for the same period.

2024 elected Councillors - pictured above - left to right
Cr Steve Taskovski, Cr Morgan Broadbent, Cr Bill Waterhouse, Cr Bryce Wilson, Cr Esma Livermore, Cr Kenrick Winchester, Cr Ross Macdonald, Cr Mareeta Grundy, Cr Mark Schweikert, Cr Katrina Willis, Cr John Preston
The Mayor
- Presides at meetings of the Council
- Carries out civic and ceremonial functions
- In cases of necessity exercises policy making functions of the Council between meetings.
- Performs other functions as the Council determines.
Policy Formulation
- The Local Government Act 1993 gave legislative effect to the traditional view of Local Government Administrators that the role of the Mayor and Councillors is to formulate policies for a Council’s operations, to determine the budgetary priorities and to review performance to ensure that the objectives are achieved. The Act specifically provides that it is the Councillors who direct and control the affairs of the Council in accordance with the Act.
The role of a Councillor is, as a member of the governing body of the Council:
- To direct and control the affairs of the Council in accordance with the Local Government Act
- To participate in the optimum allocation of the Council's resources for the benefit of the area
- To play a key role in the creation and review of the Council's policies and objectives and criteria relating to the exercise of the Council's regulatory functions
- To review the performance of the Council and its delivery of services, and the management plans and revenue policies of Council.
The role of a Councillor is, as an elected person:
- To represent the interests of the residents and ratepayers
- To provide leadership and guidance to the community
- To facilitate communication between the community and the Council
- To direct and control the affairs of the Council in accordance with the Local Government Act.