Doing Business With Us

1. Doing business with us

We spend money on a range of things from roads, footpaths, recreational and community facilities, parks and tress and much more. When deciding how to best spend public money, we take into account a range of factors including:

  • Quality and performance
  • Value for money
  • Community expectations and values
  • Local economic benefit
  • Sustainability
  • Open, transparent and accountable dealings

We have to follow legislation set by NSW State Government (Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and also follow policies, guidelines and procedures that our Council has set. Amongst other things, this State legislation says that the way we purchase goods or services depend on how much is being spent.

2. Our Aim

  • Demonstrate accountability to rate payers and funding providers.
  • Provide guidance on ethical behaviour in public sector purchasing.
  • Support local businesses.
  • All business relationships with external parties will be transparent.

3. Procurement Policy

Our Procurement Policy(PDF, 232KB) sets out our legislative compliance obligations and gives staff guidance to allow consistency and control over procurement activities.

4. Statement of Business Ethics

Our community and funding providers expect many things from us including leadership and vision, but above all it expects high ethical standards in the provision of those services and in everything we do.

Our Statement of Business Ethics outlines the expectations of Council to all its representatives, staff and Councillors to behave ethically. We are all required to abide by a written Code of Conduct. We also expects private industry and its representatives to maintain similar standards of ethical conduct in their dealings with us.

The basis of any agreement with us will be founded on the principles of:

  • Value for money
  • Impartiality
  • Fairness
  • Transparency

You can view your statement of business ethics here(PDF, 114KB) .

5. Gifts and Benefits Policy

There is no need or place for incentives when dealing with QPRC. We have a policy with respect to gifts and benefits. All Councillors, representatives and staff are required to comply with this policy at all times.

Gifts must not be given in connection with any prospective business dealings and Councillors, representatives and staff are not permitted to ask for any reward or incentive for doing their job.

Compliance by suppliers of QPRC with the policy will provide the opportunity to bid for work on a level playing field. Non compliance with the principles of business ethics outlined in this statement could result in the follow consequences:

  • Investigation
  • Possible loss of work
  • Damage to reputation
  • Termination of contracts.

Consequences for our staff could include:

  • Investigation
  • Disciplinary action
  • Dismissal
  • Potential criminal charges

You can view our Gift and Benefits Policy here(PDF, 196KB) .

6. Approved Methods of Procurement

Depending on the level of expenditure, we have standard methods for purchasing goods and services to ensure legislative compliance.


Quotations are sought when there is no existing contract and are based on threshold limits (including GST): For purchases:

  • Up to $5,000 - at least one verbal quote
  • Between $5,001 and $50,000 – three written quotes
  • Between $50,001 and $249,999 – simple request for quote (RFQ) process including a detailed evaluation and award process
  • Greater than $250,000 – public tender request for tender or expression of interest followed by selective tender.


Vendorpanel is an electronic supplier engagement tool.

Vendorpanel is used to seek offers for designated categories of goods or services. Local businesses are encouraged to contact Council’s Vendorpanel Administrator on 02 6285 6162.

If you become a pre-qualified supplier, it’s likely you’ll have to register with Vendorpanel in order to submit pricing for goods or services.


The Local Government Act 1993 and the associated Regulation requires a public tender for the purchase of all goods, services and works for which the estimated expenditure exceeds $250,000 for goods and services. Tenders are advertised on our current Tenders page (Tenderlink).

7. Government Contract Register

We are required to keep a register of government contracts worth more than $150,000 between agencies and private sector bodies. Information for recently awarded contracts can be found below in our Government Contracts register, in accordance with the Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA). This list is updated after the Council meeting at which the contract has been awarded.

8. Invoicing and Payments

Suppliers should quote a purchase order or contract number on invoices submitted for payment. Invoices without a purchase order or contract number may be delayed for payment. A purchase order number can be obtained from the Council officer requesting the goods or services.

To ensure prompt payment within standard or agreed payment terms (standard terms is 28 days) an invoice must include:

  • ABN
  • GST price and GST amount
  • The words “Tax Invoice” on the page
  • Date of issue
  • Item description
  • Purchase order/contract number
  • Name of Council employee or contact for goods or services

Our preferred method of payment is electronic funds transfer, which is done on a weekly basis.

All new suppliers need to complete a new supplier form which can be completed online below. You can contact our Account team via email 

9. Local Business Support Organisations

Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre

The Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre (SRBEC) is a dynamic regional organisation that delivers a comprehensive range of business and educational services to the Queanbeyan Local Government Area and surrounding regions

From small beginnings in 1988, the SRBEC has grown in the delivery of business related services to thousands of small businesses throughout the region and includes the delivers of educational and career based services to clients within many regional High Schools forming direct linkages to local industry.

The SRBEC contracts for the delivery of a number of Commonwealth and State Government services, specialises in the delivery of business advisory and consultancy services, delivers practical enhancement workshops for business, disseminates valuable business information and facilitates networking and commercial opportunities. The SRBEC engages a team of highly skilled professionals who deliver a range of quality products supported by years of first-hand practical experience.

For more information please visit the website.