Council meetings

Council holds two regular meetings each month, on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Meetings are usually held in the Queanbeyan chambers and commence at 5.30pm. The first meeting of the newly elected Council will be held on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at the Queanbeyan Council Chambers, 257 Crawford Street.

View or download meeting documents below for Council meetings. If you would like the meeting documents from previous meetings of the former Queanbeyan and Palerang Councils please call us on 1300 735 025 or email

Livestream of meetings

All Council meetings are livestreamed and you can view the meeting at Meetings have been recorded since December 2016 and recordings are available for viewing.

Public involvement at Council meetings 

Our Queanbeyan Chambers is set up to accommodate both councillor and community participation via Zoom. 

If you'd like to make a presentation on any of the matters on the agenda, you have three options. 

  • Written presentation - submit by midday on Tuesday before the meeting
  • Zoom presentation - register by midday on Wednesday
  • Verbal presentation - register by midday online, or between 5.00pm-5.30pm on Wednesday at the meeting.

Presentations can be made in writing or via Zoom. Register to make a presentation online here.

Download Council's Code of Meeting Practice here(PDF, 1MB) .

2024 meeting dates

18 December - Braidwood

2025 meeting dates

Meetings are held in Queanbeyan unless a different location is included after the meeting date.

 29 January
 12 February - Braidwood  26 February
 12 March
 26 March
 9 April - Bungendore
 23 April
 14 May
 28 May
 11 June - Braidwood
 25 June
 9 July
 23 July
 13 August - Bungendore
 27 August
 10 September
 24 September
 8 October - Braidwood
 22 October
 12 November
 26 November
 17 December - Bungendore