Contact us

You can contact us in the following ways:

  • Telephone - 1300 735 025
  • After hours telephone - 1300 735 025
  • Email -
  • Mail - PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620

Council offices

Are open from 8.30am-4.30pm - weekdays (Monday - Friday)

Queanbeyan Office

257 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan


  • Hearing loops in all major community meeting spaces
  • Tactiles near entrances, doors and steps
  • Braille on lift buttons
  • Fully compliant with Australian accessibility standards
  • Adult change facility on the ground floor
  • Public toilets on mezzanine level


  • There are timed parking spaces along Crawford Street.
  • There are public car parks nearby including The Q car park which can accessed from Lowe Street and the Rutledge car park which can be accessed either from Crawford or Rutledge Streets.
  • There is also public parking available in the basement car park.
  • There are 12 accessible car spaces in the Lowe Street car park and one in the basement car park.

Bungendore Office

13 Gibraltar Street

  • Access via ramp available


  • Parking is available in the Bungendore off-street car park which can be accessed from Ellendon Street. There are three accessible parking spaces.
  • Parking is also available along Gibraltar Street

Braidwood Office

144 Wallace Street

  • Access via ramp available


  • Parking is available along Wallace Street.
  • There is one accessible parking space on Park Lane

Report or request an issue

For service requests (waste, road conditions, tree matters, sport fields etc) you lodge these via our Online Services

You can also download and use the free Snap Send Solve app that allows you to take a photo of an issue on your mobile device, upload location and contact details and lodge the matter directly with us.