Each year we organise and support a number of community events that enable the whole community to come together and celebrate the diversity and vitality of our region. We adopted our Events Strategy in May 2018 and you can download the Events strategy here(PDF, 6MB).
We support festivals and events that provide opportunities to encourage a sense of community connection and pride, enliven public spaces and promote our region as a vibrant and exciting place to live in and visit. Our Events Guide(PDF, 6MB) will assist you with planning an event in our region.
To enquire about holding a public event or for more information, please contact our Events Team by email events@qprc.nsw.gov.au or 0481 007 012. You can also complete your application online here.
View information about our open spaces and venues for hire.
Events on Council land are required to have additional measures directed by NSW Police.
- Active Armed Offender Guidelines for Crowded Places(PDF, 239KB)
- Chemical Weapon Guidelines for Crowded Places(PDF, 823KB)
- Crowded Places Security Audit(PDF, 1MB)
- Crowded Places Self-Assessment Tool(PDF, 97KB)
- Hostile Vehicle Guidelines for Crowded Places(PDF, 2MB)
- Improvised Explosive Guidelines (IED) for Crowded Places(PDF, 293KB)
- Intoxication guidelines(PDF, 201KB)
- Prevention of intoxication on licensed premises and guidelines(PDF, 178KB)
- Standard conditions form – events, trade fairs and other functions (Liquor and Gaming NSW)(PDF, 207KB)
Local Traffic Committee
Events that need road closures or prescribed traffic controls need to have these approved by Council. They must have the plans reviewed and endorsed by the Local Traffic Committee. Once the Committee have reviewed the documents they need to go to Council to be formally approved. The Local Traffic Committee meets every two months.
Event organisers are encouraged to contact the events team as early as possible with their proposals and seek feedback from the LTC to ensure that completed reports presented for review are satisfactory and not rejected, especially if it is an event that has not been held before.
Local Traffic Committee meeting dates 2024
All documents need to be submitted a minimum of eight days prior to the meeting.
- 6 February 2024
- 2 April 2024
- 4June 2024
- 6 August 2024
- 8 October 2024
- 3 December 2024
Visit Queanbeyan-Palerang
Our visit Queanbeyan-Palerang website has a list of events happening in our region. If you are an event organiser, you can also list your event on the site for free. To view the events calendar or to list your event, go to the Visit Queanbeyan-Palerang website.
There are a few ways to easily promote your event in Queanbeyan-Palerang:
If your event is tourism focused, list your event on ATDW
Creating an event listing on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) will ensure that you appear on queanbeyanpalerang.com.au/visit and visitNSW.com
Once listed, your event may be selected to appear in Visit Queanbeyan-Palerang’s (Visit QP) monthly e-newsletter and curated content on Visit QP’s website, Facebook and Instagram accounts (@VisitQueanbeyanPalerang).
To maximise chances of featuring in these channels the event should be listed on ATDW a minimum of six weeks before the event, have high quality imagery and comprehensive, compelling event information.
List your event for free at atdw.com.au
Reach out to local media
Local newspaper outlets include the Braidwood Bugle, Braidwood Changing Times and the Regional Independent.
Local radio stations include Braidwood FM and QBN FM 96.7.
List your event on the My Community Diary
You can create and manage your own event listing on My Community Diary. Go to https://www.mycommunitydiary.com.au/New_South_Wales/Queanbeyan-Palerang and select Create an Event.
Post your event on social media and in Facebook community noticeboard groups
Post about your event on social media including in your local community noticeboard/resident groups. Some of these groups are private groups and you need to be a resident of the area to post to the group. They may also have group rules about promoting events, so make sure you check the group rules first. Groups include (may not be a full list):