Community Resources and Support
QPRC Community Resource and Support Directory
The Community Resource and Support Directory(PDF, 936KB) is a community guide. It has been created to connect individuals, families, and service providers within the Queanbeyan-Palerang region and surrounding areas to essential resources. This directory aims to support and empower those seeking assistance by providing clear, up-to-date information on services across a wide range of categories, including health, housing, education, legal aid, food assistance, mental health, and cultural support.
It is designed for all people within the community, including individuals, families, caregivers, community workers, and social service providers. It offers valuable information for those who may be facing urgent crises, as well as individuals looking for ongoing support. Local organisations and community professionals can also use this directory as a reference tool to connect their clients with a range of services.
Download the Community Resource and Support Directory(PDF, 936KB)
Edits and Additions
If you notice an omission to this document or information that requires updating, please complete the online form and the QPRC Community Team will make changes during the next review.
My Community Directory
The My Community Directory website lists organisations that provide services that are free or subsidised to the public. You can access the directory via the image below and will be redirected to their website.