Property Addressing
Council is responsible for providing:
- Address numbering to all properties within our Local Government Area (LGA)
- Road names to all regional, local and private roads located within our LGA. All road naming proposals must be notified, supported and gazetted by the NSW Geographical Names Board.
The NSW Geographical Names Board has developed a user manual (NSW Addressing User Manual - AUM) to provide a common approach to addressing and road naming throughout New South Wales. This is based on legislative obligations and addressing standards. The AUM aims to ensure all road naming and property addressing is compliant with the requirements of the NSW Addressing Policy and Australian Standard.
We need accurate addressing information for adequate navigation, emergency response, service delivery and statistical analysis. All property addresses and road names must comply with Chapter 6 “Addressing Principles” of the NSW AUM.
Components of property addresses
Address number
The address is the identifying characteristic which defines the property address from those on the same road and within the same locality. Address numbers need to be:
- Unique, clear, logical, and unambiguous.
- Odd numbers on the left side of the road and even numbers on the right side. An exception to this principal is where the existing numbering pattern of an area runs opposite to this instruction – in which case numbering shall continue as per existing layout.
- Created without prefixes, in the form of proceeding alphabetical characters.
- Singular, i.e. no number ranges (such as “6-10 Albert Street”) to be used.
- Distinct from Lot Numbers i.e. lot numbers shall not be used in place of an assigned rural or urban address number.
- Numbering will follow these principles, regardless of individual preferences regarding numbering or naming types.
What about urban infilling?
Urban infill frequently results in situations where there are no address numbers available for a new address site due to existing numbering on the road. In these situations, alpha suffixes (e.g. “85A” and “85B” Albert Street, see diagram 1) will be assigned for the existing and new address sites. Address sites that share access should be treated as sub-address sites (e.g. “1/7” and “2/7” Albert Street, see diagram 2.). Shared access could be through common property or easements. Address sites that do not share access but have individual access to the road, will have alpha suffixes assigned.
Image shows order of suffixes same as existing numbering

Image above show sub-addressing where access point is shared from road in an urban area
Addresses for rural properties
The system for determining address numbers in rural and semi-rural areas is based on the distance of the access point from the start of the road (known as a datum point) (see diagram below). The same identifying characteristics that apply to urban addressing are applied to rural. An exception to this is if there is no easement for access to your property i.e. a right of carriageway. Easements are recorded on the title deed to a property and also noted on the registered plan and instruments. If an easement cannot be ascertained by Council a rural address will not be issued.
Complete the Rural Address Number application form. Fees will apply and these are set out in our current Fees and Charges
Road names
The use of an unofficial road name for addressing purposes is not acceptable. They will be assigned an official name (a name that has been endorsed by Council, approved by the Geographical Names Board and gazetted). Each road will only have one official name for addressing purposes.
The road named in an address will be the one that provides the primary point of pedestrian access (i.e. where access is most likely to occur for a visitor entering an address from a road).
All formed roads, including private roads that are generally open to the public or to services will be named in accordance with AS/NZ4819:2011 Rural and Urban Addressing. Roads with five or less address sites do not to be named if the address sites within the road can be assigned numbers within the adjoining road.
Locality name
The suburb in which the address site is located.
Can I choose my property address?
You may suggest an address for your property that you believe is logical. However, address numbering must adhere to the principles outlined in Chapter 6 of the NSW AUM, QPRC is authorised to allocate property addresses regardless of individual preferences on numbering or naming types.
Have my postal address details changed?
Council will not make any changes to the postal address unless explicitly requested by the landowner in writing. Postal addresses are not always identical to the property address and may include PO boxes or the landowner’s residential address (which may be located elsewhere).
Why is my private road or Right of Carriageway (ROW) proposed to be named?
Roads containing more than five address sites are required to be named. This includes but is not limited to; all formed roads, (a road is considered to be an area that is open to and/or used by the public and is navigable by vehicle or foot). This also includes private roads and right of carriageways, which are accessed by local residents only, and are not maintained by QPRC. It also includes but is not limited to bike paths; walking tracks; roads within complexes such as universities, hospitals and retirement villages; roads within national parks; and pedestrian only roads, such as plazas.
Why wasn’t my road naming proposal supported?
The road naming proposal may not have complied with the requirements of Chapter 6 of the NSW AUM, or adequate evidence/research may not have been provided to support your road naming proposal.
I don't have a rural address number
A rural address number is applicable if you live outside the urban area. The number is determined by the distance of the property entrance in metres from the start of the road. Many benefits come from having a rural address number. Making your property easy to locate is particularly important in emergency situations when time is critical.
A Rural Address Number application form can be completed online. There are Fees and Charges associated with this.
Who will be notified of my property address change?
Council notifies the relevant authorities of any newly allocated or changed property address or newly named roads. These may include the following:
- NSW Spatial Services Addressing
- Valuer General
- Ambulance Service NSW
- Australia Post
- NSW Police
- Australian Electoral Commission
- State Emergency Service
- NSW Rural Fire Service
- Telstra
- NBN Co
I'm building a dual occupancy/secondary dwelling and need an address
If you are building a dual occupancy or secondary dwelling, you can request an address using the online form below.
There is no cost for providing an address in an urban area. If an address is required for a rural area there are fees and charges associated with this.
Kerbside house numbering
Kerbside house numbering is a popular method used by property owners to highlight the location of their residence. Use of a common standard across the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council area will facilitate the location of residences by various emergency services, postal deliveries, and visitors
We have developed a factsheet to guide property owners who wish to apply kerbside numbering to their property. It covers the standard across our LGA.
Download the kerbside house numbering factsheet here(PDF, 2MB)