Budgets and Planning

1. Overview

The Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to have a suite of Integrated Plans. 

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework introduced a hierarchy of corporate plans which aims to ensure a more sustainable local government sector.

All councils are required to develop and have in place:

IP&R also requires councils to constantly report on their activities so the community can see how they are tracking in achieving their vision and aspirations. This is done via a Six-Monthly Delivery Program Report, Annual Report and State of the Region Report (formerly End of Term Report)

All of this happens within an ongoing monitoring and reporting framework in recognition that communities are never static but rather are dynamic and continually changing over time. To achieve this, councils must constantly engage with their communities to ensure that they stay attuned to their community’s changing aspirations.

Our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) was endorsed in May 2022 after the completion of an extensive community engagement exercise.  The CSP is based around the five Strategic Pillars of:

  • Community – A safe, harmonious, happy and healthy community leading fulfilled lives.
  • Choice - A diverse, resilient and smart economy that creates choice and job opportunities.
  • Character - A clean, green community that cherishes its natural and physical character.
  • Connection - A safe, resilient and well connected community with good infrastructure enhancing quality of life
  • Capability - Contemporary civic leadership and governance that is open, transparent and accountable.

Each strategic pillar identifies key goals and community outcomes it wants to see achieved.

2. 2023-24 and Previous Year Plans, Statements and Reports

Reporting to our community is a key part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. Further information on the specific reporting requirements can be found at https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/councils/integrated-planning-and-reporting

We are required to publish our audited Financial Statements, Annual Report and six monthly Delivery Program update reports. You can also find the Integrated Plans for previous years. You can download these below.

State of the Region Report 2021-2024


Quarterly budget review statements


2022-23 budget review statements


2021- 22 budget review statements

End of Term Report 2017-2021


2020-21 budget review statements


Merger Report



